How To Keep Kitchen Drawers Organized? Check Out These Quick Tips!

How To Keep Kitchen Drawers Organized? Check Out These Quick Tips!

Kitchen Drawers Organized

Ask any home owner about their biggest kitchen woe, and they will tell you that keeping the kitchen organized is the biggest challenge they usually have to deal with. Regardless of one’s modular kitchen size and kitchen style, keeping everything in the kitchen organized and in their place is not an easy task. 


Today, we will discuss kitchen drawer organization. These modules are efficient and they come in various shapes and sizes, and store miscellaneous items. 


In this guide we will discuss some easy to implement kitchen drawer organization tips! Read on. 


Tips to keep modular kitchen drawers organized: 


Find a purpose: 


Since there would be multiple drawers that you would need to implement in your modular kitchen design, it is best to find a purpose for each. You should never store anything and everything in these drawers, because random item placement in any drawer would lead to clutter and it will be difficult for you to find any item. 


Depending on your kitchen usage pattern and the items  you store in the kitchen, you should divide the drawers in the following categories: 


  • The utensil drawer: This should be a tandem drawer, spacious enough to hold all your utensils. If you have a big family, and have many utensils, then create separate utensil drawers. Store pots and pans, other big utensils in these drawers. It will help you retrieve items in a jiffy.

  • Cutlery drawer: Keeping your cutlery in one place can be a challenge, and one should consider keeping them in one place. A shallow drawer can be put to use for this purpose. Use dividers to keep items organized.

  • Plates drawer: Stashing the diner plates on the countertop is a bad idea, so build a plates drawer where all these plates could be stored neatly. 

  • Accessories drawer: There are miscellaneous accessories you use in your kitchen graters, rolling pins, choppers, measuring cups, tongs, whisks, ladles, and the list continues. However, an accessories drawer with dividers will keep things in place giving you peace of mind. 

  • Spice drawer: A modern Indian kitchen design requires a spice drawer to store all the exotic spices. Access any spice you need during meal preparation by installing a spice drawer. 

  • Small appliance drawer: Making room for small appliances in a small modular kitchen design can be a challenge. Instead of cluttering the countertop space, it is best to create a small appliance drawer

Drawer organizers are a must!


Keeping the items in the drawers neatly stored should not be a challenge. If you keep them as is, the moment you open or close drawers, the items would roll away and would create clutter. 


Drawer organizers in a modular kitchen can come in handy in creating separate slots for all the items you store in a drawer. For example, in your accessories drawer, if you use dividers then you can keep your knives, ladles, rolling pins, etc. in their designated spaces and distinctly separate from each other. The same goes for your spice drawer. Learn about different organizers and invest. These organizers would keep everything sorted. Be careful with your plate’s drawer, because if they are not stored separately using dividers, they might break. 


Take a practical approach: 


Although you need multiple items in the modular kitchen for carrying out the activities, you do not use everything every day. Also, you may have items that are old, or multiple versions of the same item. Taking a pragmatic approach would help you keep your drawers organized. For example, if there are chipped plates, or bowls that you hardly use, discard them. There might be multiple measuring cups that you do not need, or graters that you do not need. Keep your needs in mind and throw these items away. Storing unnecessary items would lead to clutter. Only keep items that you need everyday or would use frequently. Survey your storage and replace old items whenever you buy something new. 


 Be methodical:


Customization is essential. We have shared a generic guideline regarding how you can store different items in drawers, but depending on your usage pattern you should customize your drawers. Furthermore, you should always think about how you would use a specific item, and you should position your drawer accordingly. Also do not put an item after usage in any drawer. Be methodical and always take time to clean an item and put it back where it belongs. Store items according to size, and store similar items together. Grouping items together is a great idea. If you need to store grocery items in drawers in your small modular kitchen, remove the package and store them in containers and label them. 



Keeping your kitchen drawer organized should not be a challenge anymore with these tips! Be pragmatic and keep your kitchen usage pattern in mind before organizing your modular kitchen drawers.


  • priyanka

    Working as interior designer at Hacker Kitchens has been an incredible journey of 10 years, filled with growth, creativity, and fulfillment. The supportive work environment, emphasis on collaboration, commitment to excellence, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on spaces and lives have made this experience truly exceptional. I am proud to be a part of Hacker Kichens and excited to continue contributing to its success in the future.

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