Be Aware Of These Modular Kitchen Design Mistakes Before You Plan Yours

Be Aware Of These Modular Kitchen Design Mistakes Before You Plan Yours

Be Aware Of These Modular Kitchen Design Mistakes Before You Plan Yours

The modular kitchen has become such a popular choice for the Indian home owners that you would find that a huge number of them are making a beeline to welcome modular kitchen into their homes. The modular kitchen ideas are truly amazing and the way the functionality and aesthetics are combined, is definitely something one cannot expect from an ordinary kitchen. However, it must be pointed out that the modular kitchen should be planned right if you want this to be efficient. There are some common mistakes that one should be aware of and which should be avoided to ensure that the modular kitchen is being designed just right. So, let’s find out.


Do not make these modular kitchen design mistakes:


Not accessing a brand and opting for the carpenter:


One of the mistakes that many home owners make is skipping the modular kitchen brands, and hiring their local carpenter instead to build a modular kitchen. What they do not realize is that the carpenters will not be able to deliver the ideal modular kitchen that you are paying money for. They have limitations, and they will not be able to incorporate the features that you want, and neither will they be able to offer the quality that you expect. The modular kitchen brands invest in new technology that ensures that they are offering only premium quality product. Furthermore, you will find plenty of options in terms of materials, color, finish, and more. Therefore, you should consider approaching the best modular kitchen dealers in Delhi to build your dream kitchen.


Making impulsive choices:


When it comes to designing your modular kitchen you must pay attention to details. To begin with you should know that every element you select would make an impact on the overall design and also on the efficiency of the kitchen design. Therefore, you should not make any impulsive choices by being influenced by some trend or, some feature that you loved in a particular design. A modular kitchen design is always customized for the user, therefore, incorporating any random feature is not a good idea because what works for others might not work for your kitchen at all. So, be specific about your requirements and include only those features and elements that would be perfect for your kitchen needs. Learn about the modular kitchen price in Kolkata and in other cities and ask about the customization cost.


Picking the wrong layout:


As you start designing your kitchen you should not take anything for granted especially the layout. The kitchen layout should be chosen carefully and this particular element can make or, break a kitchen design. Explore the latest modular kitchen ideas and find out which layouts are there and what are their pros and cons. Keeping these facts in mind along with your unique kitchen space, you should consider choosing your kitchen layout. For small kitchen spaces some layouts will work, while for the big, busy kitchens one should explore some specific layouts. No matter which layout you select that should be able to optimize the space you have.


Ignoring the storage:


A kitchen can get messy pretty soon, if it does not have the right amount of storage modules. You should always calculate you storage requirements before you approach the modular kitchen dealers in Delhi to discuss your plans. Explore the storage module designs and decide which would fit your requirement best. Your kitchen design should not look cluttered and therefore, you should make separate room for everything that you wish to keep in the kitchen. This will help you create an organized, and functional kitchen design. If you are going to have corner cabinets then you should include the right corner accessories in the kitchen. However, it would be a great idea to have a separate pantry section in the kitchen.


Not implementing the work triangle rule:


The work triangle or, the golden triangle rule should not be ignored if you truly want to make your modular kitchen functional. Maintain the ideal distance between the refrigerator, the sink, and the hob, while planning a layout. When you do not follow the rule you lessen the kitchen efficiency. Therefore, learn about this rule, find out how much distance should be maintained between these elements and you should implement it. However, learning about the modular kitchen price in Kolkata important and you must ask about the customization cost too.


Conclusion: When it comes to investing in a modular kitchen you have to make informed decisions. Pay attention to details and do not make the above mentioned mistakes. You should consider exploring the latest modular kitchen ideas to find inspiration.


  • Ribin Raphael

    Dedicated and enthusiastic certified senior designer with 15+ years of experience in delivering superior design services to clients. Adept in handling all aspects of planing and design from conception to completion: designing, site execution, and sales.

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